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You know what's better than Underworld? You guessed it! Underworld 5 in Hindi! Unveil the secrets of the War-born vampires as Selene, a hybrid warrior, and Michael, her protector races against time to stop a bloody legacy from unfolding. In doing so they uncover a hopeful future where she can forever love. In this installment of the franchise's legacy, Selene must once again go up against those who see her as the enemy; not just vampire elders like Semira but also humans like General Trevante who will stop at nothing to achieve their ambition of destroying vampire kind... even if that means killing him all along with his own family. com/video/x98xh6y_underworld-5-movie-in-hindi_shortfilms com/video/xn2x08s_underworld--5--theatre-(2015)--fullhd_shortfilms com/video/xanvl18_underworld---5---fullmarathon-(2015)-inhindi__shorfilms - cfa1e77820